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Welcome to Kliktopia (Last updated: 10th April 2023)
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Thanks and credits The website is maintained by Joshtek (Josh Dowen) with support from the screenshot team (mostly msg) and tools made by yxkalle. Interested in joining the screenshot team? Get in touch! This archive draws from a number of sources, including historic and ongoing archival efforts: Games uploaded via the Kliktopia Upload Tool (an ongoing effort - use the tool today! ) Games from the 1995-1999 Klik Archive maintained by Anders Jensen-Urstad (including Marcello's Relive archive and the Silky's archive) and the archives collated by RehaSoft, Podunkian, Jess Bower and Sam Beddoes Games hosted on The Daily Click's Klik Museum Games hosted on Klikibaza (Polish klik archive) Games posted to martin2k Games (1999-2008) and The Daily Click (2001 to present... submit your game today!), and Clickteam's Indie Game Creators index (2012 to present) Games featured on Entries on the Internet Archive The 'Scott games' community Private archives not previously published (including Joshtek's) Collections from individual Klik studios (e.g. Smiley Productions, VReal, Ikiki) Thanks to everyone who has helped support Kliktopia, including: 3kliksphilip, Adam Whybray, Anders Jensen-Urstad, Andrew, Anonymous Morris, ArcOnInternet, Asteroid2000, Aquellex, Ben Dowen, BigAl0104, Blackgaze, BolaGustavo, Chris Street, Cristian Toledo, Clayton, Clickteam, Code6, Convert2Double, Danjo, Davidude, Digivorix, DPS2004, Duncan Fenn, Goldeng, H Hog, Hayo van Reek, Jay Tholen, JimRenato, Jonny Comics, krum110487, LeoKids, let-off-studios, LordHannu, Luke McCarthy, Marcello Bastea-Forte, Matteo, MonadoBoy64, MSTViper, msg, Mygames19, Nobuyuki, nomok, Paul Redmond Smart, P-Tux7, R4nd0m4n14, RicardoLuis0, Rikus Kras, RehaSoft, Rijaj, Ryan Armstrong, Sam Beddoes, Tammy Spahn (Vellidragon), Tavian, TechVision, The Gagaman, The MPP, ToonsterGames, tymime, UrbankMonk, Vincent Beers (DaVince), Wackyjackie, walr, Yu He, yxkalle, ygames19, and Yai7! (If you've contributed and I've missed you off, let me know and I'll add you to this list). Games with custom level editors icon adapted from a graphic by Smashicons released under CCBY 3.0. Note: This archive does not include the Klik games from Glorious Trainwrecks because so many games were released there that it would overload the site. However, whilst Glorious Trainwrecks is now focused on fringe games made with various tools there was a time when the site sparked a Klik & Play revival with popular gaming jams. As part of these game jams people would make a Klik & Play game within a few hours, with no barriers of quality. These particular jams are rare today, but the same attitude of not judging games based on aesthetic quality stands today. So, if either the fringe games or haphazard Klik & Play jam games are your thing then feel free to check them out!
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